Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Researching For My GAME Plan

The following research will need to take place to best inform my GAME plan. 

To support a flipped classroom I need to update my blog and find/create supporting videos that will benefit students learning. These supporting videos can be demonstrations, screencasts or voice threads. I will also need to assess my student’s access to technology at home. I will then research different platforms that work best with their devices. For example, my student’s phones might not support flash, but the Youtube videos play without trouble.

I will need to search for professional development opportunities offered by the local arts colleges, Moore College, University of the Arts, and Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. I will search the National Art Education Association site for professional developments. 

To communicate with students and parents using technology I will need to assess if students and parents have email addresses and cellphone numbers through surveys home and conversations.
I will research Google plus and its networking capabilities. I will register for a Remind101 account to communicate with parents and students through text.

I have only started to collect student’s emails. I have entered the emails into a spreadsheet for future use and am starting to send them emails to set up accounts to view the online grade system.

To guide my GAME plan more, I would like to research urban education and technology within my grad school’s research library. I believe this research will help take my learning to the next level.


  1. Jen,

    The steps you plan on taking to carry out your GAME plan sound very obtainable. I love the idea of a flipped classroom. With today’s technology, our time as teachers is much better spent coaching our students to practice at school the knowledge they gain from homework. Do all of your students have access to the internet or cell phones outside of school? Do you have a plan for students who do not? I do not know the extent of your research, but this article explains why art lends itself so well to a flipped classroom.

    Good Luck!

  2. Lindsey,
    Thanks for the comment. Most of my students have access to the Internet somehow, mostly on their phones. For students without access to the Internet there are school computers available for use during homeroom and study hour. Thank you for the link. Through my research I have not found this particular site. I have only scratched the surface when it comes to a flipped classroom and am excited to learn more!
